If you are planning to buy an aesthetic laser for your cosmetics process, your most important concern is probably which type of laser to buy. Another concern is where to buy it. You may have even thought about whether you need a new machine or can save money by purchasing a used one. All of those are important considerations, but there’s at least one more. What are you going to do about parts and repairs?
Warrantied Laser Repairs Should be Offered
When you first buy a laser machine, whether it’s used or new, the manufacturer or reseller should offer a warranty for a certain length of time. Usually it’s either 6 months or a year, but it could be slightly longer or shorter. For as long as the warranty is active, the company should take care of providing parts and repairs, but there may be extra charges for certain services. So, you should read your warranty information carefully.
Warrantied Repairs Versus Service Contracts
When your warranty runs out, assuming that you bought a brand new machine from the manufacturer, you might be able to sign up for a service contract. Under a service contract, the manufacturer would continue to provide parts and repairs as needed, but you would have to pay a monthly fee, whether you happen to need repairs or not.
Alternatives to Manufacturer Service Contracts
If the idea of paying a monthly fee for potentially nothing doesn’t appeal to you, you’ll be glad to know that there are alternatives to signing annual service contracts with the manufacturer of your laser device. There are companies that specialize in repairing laser equipment and are not associated directly with the manufacturers. Many of those companies repair machines when necessary and provide parts for them, but do not charge monthly fees at all. They only charge for the actual parts and labor used on the machine in question.
Using those sorts of repair services can save you a lot of money. After all, laser machines don’t usually break down often. Although, it is worth noting that many newer models have parts that wear out naturally over time and need to be replaced. It’s a way for manufacturers to continue to profit after they make the initial sale. Even so, it’s better to pay for services you actually use instead of paying monthly fees when your laser devices are all working fine.
Finding a Repair Company for Your Laser Model
One of the most useful things you can do for yourself before you buy a cosmetic laser machine is to find a repair company ahead of time. Make sure there is a company near where your cosmetics office or spa is located and familiarize yourself with their repair policies. Once you verify that the company is capable of repairing the model you are interested in purchasing, you can go ahead and purchase it safe in the knowledge that your repair facility is just a phone call away. That way your repair times will be minimized and you won’t have to disappoint clients by canceling too many appointments in the event that the laser machine does have a problem.