Cosmetic lasers have thousands of parts. Some parts can be replaced by a cosmetic technician, and some need a professional. Depending on the cosmetic laser machine and the manufacturer will depend on where the parts are placed and who will be able to service the equipment for you.
When purchasing your aesthetic laser, be sure that there are none, or little consumable parts. Consumable parts are similar to a service contract, they make sure the manufacturer earn a certain amount of your revenues by requiring you to buy parts from them or get your cosmetic laser serviced by them.
Typically, you can buy parts for aesthetic lasers from third parties. Some outside medical laser repair companies have the parts or consumables available at much more affordable pricing. There are certain situation where only the manufacturer has the part. This is something you must know prior to buying a cosmetic laser.
Newer medical lasers have much more consumables than the ones made from 2005 – 2010. There is a very simple reason for this phenomenon – and it is not because it is a necessary part of the treatment. Initially, the cosmetic laser manufacturer, knew that doctors and spa owners would be contracting them out for annual service agreements. This means that post-purchase they were still generating revenue from you.
In 2008, the birth of third party service companies came about, and you were able to repair your aesthetic laser or IPL device from other companies aside from the manufacturer. This significantly impacted the revenues they had coming in annually- as a result, they converted to the razor blade business model.
Razor blade companies make their money from buying more razors as they wear out. Cosmetic laser manufacturers now want to make their money from parts for the aesthetic laser. Initially when they introduce the latest model, they own a monopoly on the parts for that medical laser. They are guaranteed additional profits from you post-purchase.
As mentioned in previous articles, most of the technology that exists today, is the same that existed 10 years ago. Specifically; hair removal, skin rejuvenation, skin tightening and facials. There have been new procedures such as the CoolSculpting machine but its far and few between.
Manufacturers want to make you believe that the hair removal machine of 2015 is better than the machine of 2008. The truth is they both remove hair and if the procedure is done correctly, at the proper intervals, they won’t grow back. The only thing better about this year’s machine is the bear hug the manufacturer gives you post-purchase. The aesthetic laser equipment is harder to have serviced by third parties and has much more consumables to ensure the profits to the manufacturer and not to your business.
The aesthetics business is a very lucrative business, knowing the market will allow you to keep more of the money and give less away. Conduct thorough research on the used medical laser for sale prior to making a purchase. It will save you recurring expences in the long run and enhance your profitability.