Building a strong customer base is imperative when you start a cosmetic practice. Even more important is doing so without using all of your reserve funds. Renting your laser equipment is a great way to offer multiple services without busting your budget. It allows you to experiment with which services you will offer while not losing profits. If the clients don’t like one of the procedures, you return the machine. However, if they love a certain service, it might be worth it to purchase your own.
Review Your Funds Before You Buy a Cosmetic Laser
Purchasing a laser machine of your own would be great, but is it within your means to do so? New laser devices cost upwards of $100,000 to buy. That takes a huge chunk of money from your funds and will leave you over budget for quite some time. It doesn’t even include future repair costs or obtaining a warranty.
Short-term Aesthetic Laser Rental
When you first start out in your cosmetic practice, is just isn’t feasible to purchase brand new laser machines as you don’t likely have the finances for such an extravagant purchase. Renting makes more sense to start out as it leaves funds free for other expenses and necessary costs.
Instead of purchasing right away, renting your laser equipment gives you time to decide if the particular machine will provide the right service to your clients. When you rent, you have the time to get feedback from your customers and determine if this is what they really want and need. If it turns out they don’t care for it, you aren’t then committed to the long-term. You learn about various devices without hurting your budget.
A Variety of Medical Laser Styles
Medical lasers are not one-size-fits-all. There are a variety of shapes, sizes, and styles to choose from. Choosing to rent different machines gives you the ability to find out how each one operates and how effectively they will treat your various clients without a huge cost to your business. You then choose the device that best suits you and your clientele.
Various Medical Laser Procedures
Different laser devices provide different procedures. Treatments vary from reducing scars and stretch marks to removal of tattoos and lesions.
Buying or Leasing Versus Renting Laser Machines
It’s a big decision, trying to determine whether to rent or lease or buy a medical laser machine. Each comes with it’s own pros and cons. Renting is great for short-term use, but when it comes to your taxes, leasing is usually deductible. Depending on the year and tax code, you might find purchasing is the better option. Renting may cost less per month, but over the long-term, can wind up costing more than you realize.
Another big advantage to renting is that you can upgrade your device when a newer, better model comes out. Your laser equipment stays current with the latest trends while your clients stay satisfied with your business.