MedLite C6 Tattoo Removal Laser – Cynosure/ConBio
Tattoo Removal MedLite C6 Workhorse
The MedLite C6 is an aesthetic laser “workhorse”. The power and depth that the Q-Switch laser is able to achieve is able to produce consistent results and reliable treatments for your clients. Additionally, the Q-Switch laser is highly effective on all patient skin types.
MedLite’s homogeneous beam delivers an even amount of energy over the surface of the skin. This minimizes the epidermal injury and increases the satisfaction of your patients in the results of the treatment.
Used Cynosure – ConBio MedLite C6 For Sale – Fully Refurbished
Buy MedLite C6 Tatto Removal Laser
NY Laser Outlet offers a fully refurbished used MedLite C6 Q-Switch tattoo removal laser from ConBio for sale. The MedLite C6 is the gold standard for laser tattoo removal as well as other cosmetic treatments that require the intense force and deep treatments this laser powers.
Full Color Tattoo Removal
By extending the wavelength of the MedLite laser you are able to remove full color tattoos as well. The MedLite has two handpieces which focus on color tattoos. The MultiLite Dye handpiece for 585 nm is the yellow handpiece, the 650nm is the red handpiece which specialize in color tattoo removal.
Treatments Offered By the MedLite C6 ConBio Laser:
- Acne Scars
- Sun Damaged Skin
- Wrinkles
- Pigmented Lesions (including Nevus of Ota, café-au-lait lesions, solar lentigines, uneven skin tone, and melisma)
NY Laser Outlet is a one stop shop for all your ConBio and MedLite needs.
We buy, sell, rent, repair, rebuild and refurbish the MedLite C6 to ensure you deliver your patients quality results.
When looking to buy a used MedLite C6 from ConBio, it is important you are able to see the machine working. When buying on eBay or other sites there is a risk that you may not get a machine in proper working order. We encourage you to come visit our showroom in the heart of New York to test out the equipment before you buy. Call us to schedule a time to see the equipment in action.